الحصول على درجات عليا فى اختبارات التاهيلية

منصة متخصصة فى تقديم تجربة الاختبار الحقيقى للطلاب قبل اجتيار الختبارات

نحن الان فى المرحلة التجريبية نوفر لك اختبارات تجريبية فى مجالات اختبارات القدرات :: اختبارات التحصيلى :: اختبارات ال SAT :: اختبارات ال ACT

Everything you need to prepare for General Aptitude Test and Academic Achievement Test).

At Exam Walk, we prioritize the quality of our tests and continuously work towards their improvement and development. When you join us, expect nothing less than the utmost practice experience for real exams.


A wide range of questions and exercises spanning various subjects and specializations have been curated from past tests and training models by Qiyas.


Access realistic mock aptitude and achievement tests, mirroring the actual exams, to gauge your proficiency and uncover your abilities prior to the real assessment.


Repetition is vital for mastering challenges and improving weak areas, making it crucial for effective test preparation and skill enhancement. Embrace consistent practice and revisiting challenges to pave the way for success and growth.

Learn about Exam Walk

يعانى الكثير من عدم الحصول على درجات عالية فى الاختبارات رغم المذاكرة الكثيرة دون الدخول فى تجارب حقيقه للتدرب على الاختبارات و الذى هو العامل الهام للحصول على الدرجات العالية!
و ايمانا منا بالقيمه العليا لمساعدة ابنائنا و زملائنا تواجدنا لنساعد الطلاب على محاكاة تجربة الاختبار بشكل مكثف قبل خوض الاختبار.

كذلك تواجدنا لنكون منصة محايدة تمكن للاباء و الطلاب معرفة المستوى الحقيقى للطالب من خلال الاجتبارات التجريبية.

نركز على كافة الاختبارات التاهيلية للطلاب ما قبل الجامعى و المهنين حتى بعد التخرج

One last step

Before Exam!

Whether you're looking to assess your current proficiency and identify areas of improvement or you've completed your courses and want to gauge your performance through a realistic test simulation, the ExamWalk platform is the ideal destination. It offers the perfect solution for all your testing needs.

Offering experimental test models that accurately simulate the real testing experience at a specific moment. 

Challenge yourself with a myriad of experimental models created by experts, employing the same methodology as the National Center for Standardization. 

Offering counseling sessions with experienced educators to assist students in overcoming challenges and addressing their inquiries. 

Offering students educational resources and references to aid their test preparation and review process. 

How to join us?

To access all the platform's features, create an account and complete the email activation process. This will enable you to subscribe and enjoy the full benefits of the platform.

Please navigate to the plans and prices page, where you can select the subscription that best fits your needs and proceed with the straightforward purchase process. 

Once you log into your account, you'll gain access to a comprehensive control panel. From there, you can effortlessly navigate through all your tests, track your results, and take advantage of various other features designed to enhance your progress and development.

Join us on the ExamWalk platform and contribute by adding tests to assist others. Together, let's make a difference!

Stay updated and stay connected with the latest events and exclusive offers by subscribing and following us.

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